
Powerful Written Persuasion Techniques – Part 2 (invoking emotions)

OK, in the last chapter we talked about the powerful written persuasion technique of appealing to your readers identity. And how connecting your offer to the personal story of your audience, can subtly turn your product or service into a part of their lives.

When we do it effectively we’re no longer selling, but we’re having our products welcomed into their lives without resistance.

This time we’re going to touch on another powerful persuasion technique…
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Powerful Written Persuasion Techniques – Part 1 (appealing to identity)

Whether you’re writing an advertisement, a sales page, an email, or just trying to convince someone to agree with your way of thinking… These simple, yet powerful persuasion techniques will make your job of persuasion much easier.

These techniques have been used by politicians, copywriters, lawyers, and propaganda masters throughout history. But for the sake of this series of posts, we’ll be using them to create compelling sales copy for your products or services.

I’ll give some short examples for each technique, just to give you a basic idea of how they could work. But you can certainly expand each one to create much more powerful sales copy for your own business.

So if you’re ready… here we go…

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Pre-suppositions in copywriting – an intermediate lesson (for beginners)

OK, I already know some of you more intelligent, and experienced copywriters, understand what pre-suppositions are, when it comes to persuasive copywriting?
So this lesson is for the less experienced sales writer, who wants to “up their game.”


First, let me start with a short and sweet definition, just to get this party started…


For the sake of this post, a pre-supposition (when it comes to copywriting) is basically the same thing as pre-framing or “priming” the next thing you’re about to say, to put your reader in the right state of mind.
(Yes, I can already hear the grammarians among us screaming “that’s not the true definition of a presupposition!”)

Well, maybe… maybe not. But I write copy designed to sells things, not to impress my English Lit. Professor. So this is the definition we’re going with for this post.

A pre-suppostion is often used to subtly achieve acceptance, and pre-dispose your reader to an idea, so they’re more open to believing the next part of your message.

OK, I’ll admit that definition might sound a little confusing. So…Would you like to see an example of what I’m talking about?
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Email copy – Good… or not?

Well, the other day I posted a thread here with a direct response copywriting exercise.
I was trying to add some hands on education to this site. And I did get a couple private emails asking for more posts like these.

But, other than that… nothing more than crickets chirping… and tumbleweeds rolling.

So, I’m thinking that maybe not too many people here are interested in exercising their sales copy skills?

But, I’ve never been one to “take the hint” (at least not on the first go around)
So let’s try again (one more time)… shall we?

This is an email I got from Netflix a couple days ago…
I won’t break it down with any critique this time. I’ll just let you look at it, and soak it all in…
So what do you think of it?
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