The ultimate list of the best copywriting books ever written

best copywriting books

This is a list of the best copywriting books of all time

No, it’s not a complete list of all the great copywriting books. Because the truth is, there are too many great copywriting books to list on a single page.

In fact, I’ve devoured hundreds of marketing and copywriting books over the last 25 years. And many of them were great. (many were also garbage… and most were somewhere in between)

Truth be told, the hardest part of compiling a list like this, is knowing where to start. But, I had to start somewhere… so here we are.

I’ll be sure to add more to this list (time permitting, with my busy schedule) But if you read, and study just the few books listed here… It will still put you miles ahead of 90% of the people calling themselves copywriters, today.

And if you’d like to add your own candidate to this list, feel free to add it in the comments below.

(Note: NONE of the links on this page are affiliate links. I make no money from these recommendations. I just think these are some of the best copywriting books ever written)

So, without further ado…


Here’s (the beginning of) my ultimate list of the best copywriting books ever written

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It is time to hire a professional copywriter when…

It’s time to hire a professional copywriter when…

– You need copy that sells, but your current sales copy isn’t getting the job done

– You’re doing a dozen other things in your business, and you just don’t have time to do everything yourself

– You’ve hired cheap copywriters from freelance sites, and just ended up wasting your money

– You’re ready to get serious about bringing more sales to your business

If any of these things sound familiar, then it’s time to hire a professional copywriter.

You don’t need to spend tens of thousands of dollars on some corporate ad agency… But you also don’t want to hire some $50 content spinner who barely speaks English.
No, you need to hire a professional copywriter who
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Here’s a basic mindset formula for writing sales copy

OK, so the other morning I had a few minutes to spare, and I decided to cruise one of the marketing forums I sometimes visit.

On this particular morning, a newbie marketer asked a question I’ve seen more than once, about writing sales copy.

Well, like I said, I had a few minutes to spare. So this time I answered the call and tried to help this guy out with a quick (beginners) primer on the mindset you should have when writing sales copy.

And even though I only gave the guy a basic answer, I still think the answer might serve anyone who has a similar question.

So I’m posting it here for your enjoyment? (Education? Advantage? Benefit?)

Anyway, here’s the exchange that took place (slightly edited, to remove the askers personal info)…
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Email copy – Good… or not?

Well, the other day I posted a thread here with a direct response copywriting exercise.
I was trying to add some hands on education to this site. And I did get a couple private emails asking for more posts like these.

But, other than that… nothing more than crickets chirping… and tumbleweeds rolling.

So, I’m thinking that maybe not too many people here are interested in exercising their sales copy skills?

But, I’ve never been one to “take the hint” (at least not on the first go around)
So let’s try again (one more time)… shall we?

This is an email I got from Netflix a couple days ago…
I won’t break it down with any critique this time. I’ll just let you look at it, and soak it all in…
So what do you think of it?
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A little activity to exercise your sales copy chops

Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Copywriter (and all the ships at sea)

Here’s a little game to help you new writers (and experienced writers as well) exercise your sales copy brains.

I don’t remember when I first picked up the lesson? But one of my writing coaches taught it to me years ago. And every once in a while it’s something I still do (when I have the time)

Basically we take a winning sales letter and dissect it. To see what makes it work.

Today we’re looking at a direct mail piece I got, from a local insurance guy.

No, I didn’t write it. And I’m not affiliated with the guy in any way.
But I’ve gotten this same letter every couple months, for more than a year now. Which leads me to believe it’s a responsive control piece.
(for the new writers here, a “control piece” basically means it’s getting a good enough response rate, to make it worth mailing, over and over again)

I blocked out the contact info, just for privacy sake. But the rest of the letter is intact.

Anyway, here it is…
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