Make Your Business Cards Work Harder For You

Hey, fellow business owner –
It’s me again, with another marketing tip to help grow your business…

This time we’re talking about another (hopefully obvious) building block.

Business cards.

You might be amazed at how many companies I consult with that don’t use this one basic marketing tool.
The excuses I hear most often are “We already have a website. Or, we’re just a local store. So business cards are unnecessary.”

Well, believe it or not, there’s still a lot of potential customers out there, who don’t spend their lives with faces buried in a smart phone or computer screen.
And besides, business cards don’t cost much. So why not use every “low cost – high impact” marketing tool at your disposal?  It can’t hurt.
Of course, just having business cards is one thing. But turning them into little virtual sales reps for your company, is where they really pay off.
With that in mind, here’s a couple strategies you can use to make your business card work harder for you…
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Does your business really need a website


Hey, fellow business marketer –
Today I’m answering a question from one of my clients, Jim T, who asked if he really needs a small business website.
Jim is a local, self employed, handyman who says he doesn’t like to travel more than an hour for work; so he doesn’t see the need for a website because all his business is local.
Believe it or not, I still hear that statement from a large number of local business owners.
So, I decided to write this short post, just in case you’re still sitting on the fence about it.
The short answer is “yes” your business should have a website.
Your small business website doesn’t need to be fancy, and it doesn’t need to be expensive… But it does need to exist!


The two most common excuses I hear for not having a small business website are…

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How to become an authority in your niche

There’s a number of great ways to become an authority in your niche, and they all come down to one thing… Becoming well known as an expert.

I know what you’re thinking… “Thanks for the insight Captain Obvious, but how do you make it happen?”

Excellent question!

And since you didn’t come here for a bunch of useless ‘jibber jabber’, I’ll get right to it with a short list on some of the best ways you can ‘make it happen’ – and become an authority in your field…
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