
Essential Ingredients For Powerful Headlines – (Part 2 of 2)

Welcome back –

So in part 1 of Essential Ingredients For Powerful Headlines we touched on a few powerful ways you can improve the performance of your headlines. In this next short lesson we’re going to go over some common powerful headline formulas.


If you study a lot of winning sales copy you’ll probably recognize these formulas, and there’s a good reason they get used so often… Because they work!

Rather than having me go into a long introduction for this post (because if you read part 1 of this series then you’ve already been primed for what’s coming next), what do you say we just dive right in and get to the good stuff, OK?

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ingredients for powerful headlines

Essential Ingredients For Powerful Headlines – (Part 1 of 2)

Whether you’re writing a blog posts, sales letter, email, or any kind of copy where you want to engage your reader…

… If you want your copy to perform well, you have to start with an attention grabbing headline.


In this short post I’ll show you how to capture the attention of your ideal audience, and pull them into your copy.

This lesson is crucial because if your headline doesn’t bring people in to your copy, then it doesn’t matter what you’re selling or how great your offer is. Because few people will ever see it.


The late, Great David Ogilvy was quote as saying…

“On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.”


Which makes sense, because if 100 people see your headline, but it doesn’t peak the interest of 80, then that’s 80 people who will never stick around to read the body copy.

Simply put… A bad headline can kill your copy, before it ever gets a chance.

So, how would do we minimize the chance of writing a bad headline, and maximize the chance of creating a winner…?

Well, that’s what we’re going to talk about right now…

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